Basic Equine Massage Class
This is a great class if you are interested in learning some basics to help with your horse(s) perform better or if have an issue you are wanting to work on with your own horse. This is also a wonderful way to bond with your horse at a different level and in a different way than when riding.
Even though I have studied both massage and chiropractic and both skills will be talked about. I will be teaching soft tissue manipulations during this class.
Optional: Student Discount
I am also doing something a little different this year. I am allowing each student to bring one horse with them for an additional $75. They wont be used for the hands on practice during the class.
But after class if you choose to bring one. I will do a brief one on one evaluation with you, thermographic images for 2 locations, and a sample iridology reading. This offer is only good day of class.
This is a really great deal. It will normally cost $180 for all of this.
If you have questions you are welcome to call me and
I am happy to anwser any question you have!
call or text 680-9725